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Episode 9: Ending Homelessness for this Generation and the Next

Tom Herzog, Chief Operating Officer, Netsmart
Michael Wilson, Executive Director, Community LINC 

Homelessness is a growing concern in Kansas City and around the country. It extends to women and children, people in the suburbs, the underemployed, those with mental illness, or anyone who falls through the cracks of our social safety net.

In this episode, Tom Herzog sits down with Michael Wilson, a former Netsmart associate and current Executive Director for Community LINC, a crisis housing facility whose mission is to end homelessness in Kansas City for this generation and the next. Community LINC serves as transitional housing for families, with the goal of breaking the cycle of homelessness and improving people’s mental and physical wellbeing.

Together, Tom and Michael unpack the stereotypes that prevent homelessness from becoming visible in the community, as well as contributing causes to the record numbers of unhoused in our city today. Explore what’s behind:

  • Social determinants of health and who is at risk for homelessness
  • The challenges of attainable housing in today’s economy and rental market
  • Special needs for unhoused women and families––and what Community LINC is doing to meet them
  • The importance of treating people with a relational, instead of transactional, approach

Join the conversation as Tom and Michael explore Community LINC’s aspirational vision to end generational homelessness in Kansas City. If you’re inspired to get involved, you can find more information at

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